New painting—”Dancers”

In my sketchbook was an ink drawing that had been on my mind for a  long time . . . so finally decided recently to enlarge it on canvas. I used the old-fashioned grid technique, which involves transferring the image one square at a time, until the entire image is redrawn.

The first photo shows the brother of a student holding up a scan of the original image, and the larger image already drawn in on canvas.

Dancers (lines only)

Dancers (lines only)

The next photo shows my student Gianna holding the completed work:

Dancers (completed)

Dancers (completed)

If you look at the piece as white on black, you see white dancers, but . . . if you look at the piece as black on white, you see black dancers. They are interlocked. A bit of an optical illusion!

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Ascension – view of autumn leaves

Ascension in black & white, framed

Ascension in black & white, framed

Originally I took a photo of a tree through the sun roof of my car on a cloudy day. The leaves were falling fast, so outdoor painting wasn’t an option. I transferred the image to a much larger surface using the old-fashioned grid technique. This pencil drawing took about a week. Inking took even longer! But the result is a very large pen-and-ink, almost photographic (but not quite).


Ascension – up close detail

Here is a close-up. The original photograph had thousands of fine branches, so creative deletion was required!

25 X 30 inches, framed in dark wood, museum quality back and mat. Price available on request; go to the Contact page to send me a message.

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